I don't particularly like signs and quotes. Every person is different and, how can a person be described within just a few words? How can a man live by a quote?
This sign is hanging at my daughter's room, though, indicating a powerful quote by Nikos Kazantzakis:
“Reach what you cannot” (“ Φτάσε όπου δεν μπορείς ”). I even spent many hours of my precious night sleep to design, write and paint this particular one to hang at their room.  

It is hanged over their loft bed, as high as it was possible. At age 4 my oldest daughter can't reach it.  
This is the point I wanted to make: “Maybe now  you can't reach your goals, but everyday you get stronger and wiser and if you set a goal and work hard towards it, everyday you will be closer to your dreams.”

"Reach out for your Dreams, my darling"

happiness is a choice

30 January 2015
" Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,


How can a person be described within just a few words?
We are much more complicated -and amazing- than that!
My name is Victoria, 
I am a mama, a science teacher, a Montessori enthusiast, an occasional crafter, a book lover. 
And I strive to find the perfect words. 
I am so glad you are here!

Please read more about me at My Story page


There is something magnificent in telling stories. Short stories have even bigger impact- it takes all the gifts of a storyteller to invent a unique short story to reach the soul and bring an uplifting effect.


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