As I came back from a hospital visit my eyes opened to this little miracle: 
The almond tree blossomed despite it is clearly winter. 
So, today, I choose looking up over looking down.

" When it rains, 
look for rainbows. 
  When it’s dark, 
   look for stars. "


How can a person be described within just a few words?
We are much more complicated -and amazing- than that!
My name is Victoria, 
I am a mama, a science teacher, a Montessori enthusiast, an occasional crafter, a book lover. 
And I strive to find the perfect words. 
I am so glad you are here!

Please read more about me at My Story page


There is something magnificent in telling stories. Short stories have even bigger impact- it takes all the gifts of a storyteller to invent a unique short story to reach the soul and bring an uplifting effect.


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