This classic Montessori mobile is simple yet beautiful.
It moves smoothly in the tiniest breeze and won't overstimulate the infant.

We introduce it to the baby at 5 weeks.
We present it when the baby is calm, well fed and aware.

Making this mobile was easy and fun- the best part is how much Lydia enjoys it!

To make your own Montessori Octahedron Mobile...



All the preparations I made for my second baby was gathering and making montessori infant material.
I love the Montessori way of living! 
I was waiting for this moment to come- having my precious little one and trying out all these things Montessori parents swear by. 

I truly believe Montessori works, but still it is a great surprise to watch how well this applies to an infant's needs -
the baby is only 2 weeks old and she was occupied by these pictures for what felt like ages to me!


She discovers her voice- and she uses it!


It feels like there has always been a place for you into our family.
And now you are here.
Welcome, my little one.



How can a person be described within just a few words?
We are much more complicated -and amazing- than that!
My name is Victoria, 
I am a mama, a science teacher, a Montessori enthusiast, an occasional crafter, a book lover. 
And I strive to find the perfect words. 
I am so glad you are here!

Please read more about me at My Story page


There is something magnificent in telling stories. Short stories have even bigger impact- it takes all the gifts of a storyteller to invent a unique short story to reach the soul and bring an uplifting effect.


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