urge to write

16 March 2015
urge to write
when the urge to write hits her, use whatever is handy:
cumin seeds + a tray = instant Montessori writing activity set up

This classic Montessori mobile is simple yet beautiful.
It moves smoothly in the tiniest breeze and won't overstimulate the infant.

We introduce it to the baby at 5 weeks.
We present it when the baby is calm, well fed and aware.

Making this mobile was easy and fun- the best part is how much Lydia enjoys it!

To make your own Montessori Octahedron Mobile...


All the preparations I made for my second baby was gathering and making montessori infant material.
I love the Montessori way of living! 
I was waiting for this moment to come- having my precious little one and trying out all these things Montessori parents swear by. 

I truly believe Montessori works, but still it is a great surprise to watch how well this applies to an infant's needs -
the baby is only 2 weeks old and she was occupied by these pictures for what felt like ages to me!

The binomial cube is one of the first Montessori materials I purchased because it is so eye catcing, so inviting.
I even brought it with me to my High School classes to see how a teenager would react. We end up experimenting with it.
Iris also noticed it, and at first she enjoyed the different colors of the surface.
A few months later she was choosing this instead of her classic wooden cubes to build a tower. Now she builts it with joy.
So she chose the binomial cube to bring with us to our summer vacation.

This video is from that time away from home.

I can clearly see my presentation of building the binomial cube in this video. She even stops when she has already put the first cube and goes back to point the color of each surface of the cube!

Haha! Of course, after that, I changed my obviously formal way of presenting a new montessori material for a more casual, more playful one. 

Much better now.